youve got my vote
youre my canidate for halloween 07 contest, good luck!
youve got my vote
youre my canidate for halloween 07 contest, good luck!
this is
fan/animutation at its greatest and at its heart, brilliant, but the misheard lyrics werent that funny
compared to your last one
this was horrible, your last one was great, i do like the fact you had original music though
hillarious and well done
great animation, sound, and comedic timing
not bad
deserves plot and more to it, good animation though
<sarcasm> amazingly original
probably the most original, new, groundbreaking movies
like nothing I've seen before
needs some work, try using a bit more imagination
this reminds me of that jerry jackson cartoon with the mario bros parody
great art and animation, with an interesting message on how far some people will go to try and leave a mark, great use of light and shadows, the best smoke i've seen, and good sound
top knoch
wow that was...strange, could have been a bit longer but good art and animation and cool sound
define blurb.
Age 34, Male
Joined on 10/9/07